My current hustles

I believe I’ve managed to cross wantrepreneur boundaries with these small successes.

Digital Agency Hustle

Founder. Digital Marketing Agency. $600MRR.


Top Rated Plus Digital Marketer. Freelance. $40k.

B2B SaaS

Full-time Marketing Operations. B2B SaaS.

VC Fund

Part-time Ops & Project Management. VC Fund.

Drawing of Sean

About me.

Hey, I’m Sean and I’m an aspiring entrepreneur.

I’m a 20 y/o Singaporean, born in the state of Arizona, and turning 21 this year. An interesting trait most recognise for is my geeky love for board games & card games like Warhammer & Magic.

Other interesting facts include being the ex-Captain of my school’s sprint kayaking team, a Private Pilot License holder from the Singapore Youth Flying Club, and a Lieutenant in the Singapore Army (NS).

Why should you sign up?

If you are interested in following the journey of an action taker, I do believe there is value in learning from my failures, seeing what steps I took that lead to my potential success, and just all round content value like any other medium out there.

However, the honest answer is - there really isn’t any major reason to, and I’m not here to convince you to either. Origins wasn't built to sell you anything, but the opportunity to be an early "investor" in creating something is always exciting.

Drawing of Olympus

What am I hoping to gain out of this?


Accountability & Reflection

An additional reason not to deviate from work plans or procrastinate. Origins functions as a recurring monthly reflection for me to review and internalise progress that I have made.


Networking & Community Building

As an introvert, I generally refrain from socially interacting with others if I can help it. Origins is a way for me and hopefully you, to build a network despite this. At the end of the day, the goal of the monthly report is not to be a one-way information dump, but to serve as a conversation starter for a more personal and dynamic relationship - share what projects you’re working on or critique my decisions; let’s build a community together.


Skill Building

Origins is a funnel for me to drive effort into and accelerate personal learning progression. Setting up this page itself is a case in point, serving as an opportunity for me to learn and apply HTML & CSS. Subsequent opportunities include driving leads through SMM & SEM as well as honing writing skills.